
Ultimate Teen Collection

Hi guys! izabelaaa2807 wished for a teen conversion of FemmeFatale clothing.
So today I bring you this ultimate teen collection with a lot of seperates to mix and match!

Meshes by Simal, Sayuri and CatOfEvilGenius are included.



Anonymous said...

Please, where did you download these amazing hair? Can you tell it to us? ^^ Thanks, your fan, Evzi

izabelaaa2807 said...

yaaaay the day has come! thank you very much!<3

Ronnie and Max said...

@Izabela: yaaay you're welcome :)! A teen set was overdue anyway ;) Maybe I'll do some more teen stuff in the future.

@anon: Why thanks! The white pony tail is by MybSims (Martini), the black hair is from Nirnbell (Cazy #82 Pookleted). The dip dye hair I recoloured myself but they're not up for download yet :)

Anonymous said...

These look great but unfortunately are not showing in my game :x Maybe it's just me?

Unknown said...

Thank you so much :) Danke ♥
Du machst wirklich die besten Sims 2 Sachen , habe bis jetzt alles runtergeladen und werde es auch weiterhin tun weil du die einzige bist die noch schöne Sims 2 Kleidung macht . Zwar nimmt es nicht immer alle Klamotten an aber zum Glück die meisten :D Vielen Dank & mach weiter so *applaus*

Ronnie and Max said...

@Anette: Ohhh danke für das schöne Kompliment!!! <3 <3 <3 wenn du mir sagst, welche Sachen nicht angezeit werden, kann ich versuchen, die Lösung zu finden ... vllt fehlt ein mesh oder so ... Also nochmal danke! :3

@anaon: oh I'm sorry! Tell me which ones don't show up and I'll try to fix it :)

Unknown said...

it says it's corrupt and won't install everytime i try to open the file please help!! PLEASE

Ronnie and Max said...

hmm that's really weird! I tested all the files with my virus scanner ... did you maybe not wait long enough for the file to download completely? does anybody else have this problem??

Anonymous said...

omg thank you SOOOO MUCH for this !
I think you are the only who still update. And this is just.. AMAZING!

Anonymous said...

where did you get the girl with the blondes glasses from

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